June 4, 2023

Interview Killers and Boosters – Do’s and Don’ts

It is true that your resume tells the most about your background, education and experience, but how you behave in the interview can make or break your career. A job interview is your chance to leave a positive first impression that is sure to win you a job offer. Many candidates walk in and out of interview rooms leaving memorable negative impressions that, no matter how good their resume looked, they lose!


Myth: Most job seekers think they can get the job just because they’re good at what they do.


Truth: Wrong! The candidate who knows how to act during an interview and answer questions well will get the job!


In this article, we will be telling you in a direct, concise and straightforward way the secrets of the Do’s and Don’ts of interviews.



1. Do your homework; Gain as much knowledge about the industry, employer, and position as possible. The more you know about the company and its mission and vision, the more you will be able to address targeted questions about the employer and the position.
2. Bring a pen and small notebook with you to the interview.
3. Take an extra copy of your resume and a list of references with you to the interview.
4. Pay close attention to your personal appearance; dress to your advantage. (Appropriate business attire, make-up, deodorant).
5. Arrive 10 minutes early. Go alone to the interview.
6. Greet the interviewer with a warm, confident “Hello” and a firm handshake.
7. Look the interviewer in the eye, but don’t stare him or her down.
8. Show self confidence and a sense of humor.
9. Actively listen with focus and attention; you can miss valuable nuances in the conversation if you’re constantly thinking of the next thing to say.
10. Express yourself clearly with a strong voice and good pronunciation and grammar.
11. Remember the interviewer’s name and use it during the interview.
12. Take time to think before answering difficult or unexpected questions.
13. Take criticism gracefully and always remain calm.
14. Emphasize positive things about yourself.
15. Be honest about your background and experience.
16. Make concrete goals in planning for your career.
17. Customize your skills to look as if they were tailor-made for this particular vacancy.
18. Fill out applications neatly and completely.
19. Try to seal the deal by asking where you stand upon leaving. You may also ask when a hiring decision is expected. End the interview sounding confident but not desperate or horrible.
20. Thank the interviewer for his/her time.
21. Follow-up with a thank-you note restating your interest in the position.
22.  Contact the employer by phone if the interviewer does not contact you one week after the time from which he or she indicated you would be notified.



1. Arrive late or early.
2. Dress wrong or in a rush; for an administrative position, a formal costume is a must but for more artistic jobs such as graphic designing informal clothes reflecting personality and creativity are preferable.
3. Use excessive perfume or make-up.
4. Smoke, drink or have a chewing gum
5. Bring along friend or a relative.
6. Shake hands in a too firm or loose way.
7. Arrive unprepared without doing all the homework.
8. Not rehearse answers to questions that will probably be addressed to you.
9. Look hesitant when asked tough questions – think before answering.
10. Lie or over-personalize.
11. Talk directly and frankly about weaknesses.
12. Not know what your strengths are
13. Ask too many questions or not asking any
14. Inquire about benefits too soon.
15. Reveal the expected salary; let the interviewer discover how wonderful you are before you tell them how much you cost.
16. “Bad mouth” a former employer or past co-workers.
17. Mention the name of inside contacts and ask about them; their relationship to the interviewer is unpredictable.
18. Show lack of energy even if exhausted. Mental energy is what it takes, so psych yourself up before making your entrance.
19. Glance at your watch and appear anxious to end the interview.
20. Play the Hero or brag about individual work; concentrate on team work and its importance to success.
21. Lose your cool and temper.
22. Expect things to run smoothly.