July 17, 2023

Jobs of the Future

A mere decade ago, Facebook hadn't yet woven itself into the fabric of our lives. Rewind another ten years, and the World Wide Web was a nascent concept. What professions will emerge a decade hence? Will your current job endure, evolve, or perhaps vanish altogether?

According to futurist Alvin Toffler, author of "Future Shock" and "Revolutionary Wealth," most jobs are destined to metamorphose. They'll persist, but not in their current guise. The future promises a more fluid, freelance, collaborative, and less secure work environment—marked by heightened specialization, task orientation, virtuality, and part-time engagements.


Anticipating this evolution, here are glimpses into five jobs that could materialize in the next 20 years:

  1. Gene Screener: As genetic screening becomes as routine as a drug test, technicians may be essential to collect and analyze DNA, aiding employers in identifying potential hires with predispositions for certain conditions.

  2. Drowned City Specialist: Rapid climate change could necessitate professionals adept at managing the aftermath of submerged cities, salvaging belongings, and relocating houses to higher ground.

  3. Robot Mechanic: The increasing affordability of robots might lead to widespread adoption. Families worldwide may acquire robotic personal assistants, requiring skilled technicians to maintain and repair these machines.

  4. Space Tour Guide: While not yet boasting zero-gravity resorts, space tourism may become a reality, paving the way for tour guides who orchestrate interstellar adventures.

  5. Hydrogen Fuel Station Manager: With hydrogen potentially rivalling gasoline, mass-produced refueling stations could create new jobs. Managers, equipped with a different skill set, would oversee on-site hydrogen production.

On the flip side, here are five jobs that could fade away in the next two decades:

  1. Grocery Store Cashier: As digital and credit transactions gain prominence, traditional cash-handling roles, including bank tellers and toll booth operators, may become obsolete.

  2. Encyclopedia Writer: The advent of free, online, and reader-edited encyclopedias renders traditional encyclopedia writing obsolete.

  3. Fighter Pilot: As automation advances, the role of the human fighter pilot may diminish, with automated systems taking the helm.

  4. Call Center Representative: Automation may replace call center representatives, potentially shifting towards more automated customer service solutions.

  5. Oil Wildcatter: As alternative energy sources like hydrogen, solar power, and wind gain traction, traditional oil exploration jobs may dwindle.

However, certain vocations are expected to endure, largely unchanged, over the next two decades:

  1. Politician: Despite public sentiment, politicians are a perennial presence, persisting through the ages.

  2. Morticians: Regardless of technological advances, the respectful handling of the deceased remains a vital aspect of society.

  3. Tax Collector: Audits persist, making tax collectors a fixture in the professional landscape.

  4. Artists: Creative pursuits, from writing to painting, may evolve with technology but will endure.

  5. Soldier: In a world marked by population growth, geopolitical tensions, and resource scarcity, the military is likely to remain an enduring force.

Industries across the board are undergoing upheaval, with technology playing a central role in reshaping the professional landscape. While jobs may transform, history attests to humanity's ability to adapt. As we navigate this evolving professional realm, maintaining an open heart and mind will be key to embracing change.



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