Merrymaking at Christmas

For a number of people, the holiday season represents more than presents, Christmas carols and family reunions. There is also an element of social responsibility, often expressed through Christmas charity programs. In this time of year, companies’ personnel are called to join hands in support of a good cause. This would enhance the team spirit […]

7 Tips to Streamline Your Workday!

Have you ever heard the saying “WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER”? In today’s world, this saying became a must and a key for great achievements. As you progress in your career, your responsibilities increase, meetings become more recurrent, and duties become more diversified. How could you handle all the workload without falling into the stress circle, […]

Develop an Afternoon Routine

People emphasize on the need of how to maximize their mornings, actually, morning routine—whatever it may be—is fine. The need lies in an afternoon routine. You start the day with full energy backed up by a protein-rich breakfast and a cup of strong black coffee. In the afternoon, energy dips, drained from the energy put […]

Details to Keep For Yourself in an Interview

When attending an interview, people tend to be nervous. This is quite normal. However, an interview attendant should always remember what he should and should not talk about in an interview. Babbling about irrelevant or personal details may jeopardize the whole process and might cost you the chance to be qualified for a position you […]

The Emotional Bank Account

In today’s world, most people have a money account, in which we make deposits, save up money, and when we need that money later, we withdraw it. Based on that principle, Stephen Covey talked about the Emotional Bank Account. His theory became one of the most powerful ideas ever created for the development of interpersonal […]

Being the Best at What You Do…

Who among us does not dream of excelling, of being a successful person, of making huge amount of money and of being considered as a reference in his work field? To achieve this “dream”, various things must be taken into consideration. The first of which is the reason why you want to achieve this success. […]